Alexandra Undead / Stella Fracta

Writer, alchemist, podcaster, sommelier. Architect of the Fractured Star Universe, author of spy novel series about philosophers, poets and liars.

✈️ Telegram (Books & Blog)

✈️ Telegram (Alchemists, Poets & Liars)

✍️ Zen

📹 YouTube

🎧 Apple Podcasts - Есть что сказать с Александрой Undead [RU]

📚 VK Book Club

🍷 VK winewithsasha Wine Education Project

🎧 VK Podcast - Есть что сказать с Александрой Undead [RU]

📚 Fanfiction & Unpublished

📌 Book quotes on LiveLib

🎧 SoundCloud (audiobooks, voiceovers)

📷 @stellafracta

🍷 @winewithsasha



Stella Fracta is the pen name of the Russian writer Alexandra Undead, an alchemy popularizer, the author of intellectual prose, spy, detective and mystical novels. Her books are the philosophical drama of a multiverse world, where each participant is a creator and the Architect of One’s Universe, a poet, and a bit of a liar. Arts and technologies, analytical psychology and hermeneutics, the power of imagination and the call of being—in fiction stories indistinguishable from reality, every word in which is a part of a spell that gives the meanings.

The back side of book business in the podcast “Есть что сказать с Александрой Undead”

Stella Fracta “Incredible Spy Detective”

Original Title: “Невероятный шпионский детектив”

Language: English

Leave every Hope you who in Enter

Poets and Liars, alchemy, Dante, Inferno

Incredible Spy Eng Ridero Cover Official.jpg

An MI6 agent acts according to the rules of the spy genre, trying to infiltrate the great alchemists—the Poets’ society—but fails over and over again. A famous detective novel writer, meanwhile, travels between eras, unraveling the puzzle about a mysterious stranger who is about to meet her friends from past centuries.

Confrontation of friends and foes, forces of order and chaos, reason and imagination in a drama about the power of art and the search for a true purpose.

Genre: Detective / Thriller / Spy novel / Modern prose

Size: Novel



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Stella Fracta & “Incredible Spy Detective” novel at the international book fair NonFiction Spring 2023

The book is an English translation of the novel “Невероятный шпионский детектив” from Russian. Translator: Sigurd the Dane, editor: Alexandra Undead.

Стелла Фракта “Невероятный шпионский детектив”

English Title: “Incredible Spy Detective”

Language: Russian

Incredible Spy Ridero Cover Official.jpg



Стелла Фракта “Замок Альбедо”

English Title: “Albedo Castle”

Language: Russian

He’s doing everything right. Leave it to others to do it correctly

Spies, alchemists, teachers and students, Formula One in Japan

Albedo Castle Ridero Cover Official.jpg

Amid the racing season, the mechanic of the champion team is attacked, ahead is the Grand Prix at the Japanese circuit. The mechanic is an undercover MI6 agent, his archenemy is a Russian spy who returned from the dead to take revenge. The power of dreams, the car manufacturers’ technology of the future, alchemists, Poets and liars will meet again to play a dangerous secret Game—in plain sight of the world.

The second stage of the Great Work, albedo, the sequel to “Incredible Spy Detective”.

Genre: Detective / Thriller / Spy novel / Philosophical novel / Modern prose

Size: Novel




Stella Fracta & “Albedo Castle” novel at the international book fair ММКЯ 2023 (MIBF 2023)

Стелла Фракта “Байесовская игра”

English Title: “Bayesian Game”

Language: Russian

I could speak many languages—but no one spoke mine

Game theory, spies, Berlin, BDSM, philosophy and hermeneutics

Bayesian Game Ridero Cover Official.jpg

A successful businessman, philanthropist and a Russian spy in Berlin ends up in a whirlpool of an existential midlife crisis. Voices in his head, a suspiciously compliant assistant, alchemy, the call of being…Everything suddenly loses its meanings, turns into madness, escape and pursuit, a game with nature, and answers are to be sought in his past, in another life.

A philosophical action drama about being able to go back, the sequel to “Albedo Castle”, the novel about poets and liars.

Genre: Thriller / Detective / Adventures / Modern prose

Size: Novel



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Стелла Фракта “Кошки не пьют вино”

English Title: “Cats Don’t Drink Wine”

Language: Russian

Eternal life to the wine of the blood of kings!

Detectives, cats and autistics on Italian vineyards of Barolo

Cats Dont Drink Wine Ridero Cover Official.jpg

Brioche the cat’s life is changing—her owner is writing a book about the winery in Barolo, a town in the heart of Piedmont. Brioche approves her owner’s new lover: William Gatti, a teacher of the sommelier school, has three dogs and high-functioning autism. Their life would have been a fairy tale—but William is suddenly charged with murder…

Only Brioche and her owner believe in William’s innocence—and they begin their own investigation. Everyone has suddenly forgotten that cats don’t drink wine.

Genre: Thriller / Detective / Love story / Modern prose

Size: Novel



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Stella Fracta & “Cats Don’t Drink Wine” at the international book fair NonFiction Winter 2023

🖼️ Gallery

Стелла Фракта “Рыцарь, красавица, чудовище, шут”

English Title: “The Knight, the Beauty, the Beast, the Fool”

Language: Russian

Eat a heart—gain love

Detective, murderous love, FBI and Baltimore serial killers

Knight Beauty Beast Fool Ridero Cover Official.jpg

The Heartthrob, a serial killer, is terrorizing a rich Baltimore neighborhood. A consultant psychiatrist assists the investigation, a fatal passion erupts between his patient, a golden-haired singer, and a young FBI agent. Someone is leaving clues for the profiler, who uses the method of active imagination; a mute bodybuilder living next door becomes the keeper of secrets. Eat a heart—gain love…Such is the title of the tragedy about a dragon who killed princesses and searched for a friend.

Genre: Detective / Thriller / Horror / Modern prose

Size: Novel



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Previously, the book was published as a fan fiction for the Hannibal series under the title “FBI Clown: The Knight, the Beauty, the Beast, the Fool.” Now all rights are reserved, and the novel has been published with original characters.

Стелла Фракта “Безымянная скрипка”

English Title: “The Unnamed Violin”

Language: Russian

We are all cursed to forever run in the endless cycle of deaths and rebirths around the Fractured Star

Tragedy, depression, obsession, music, New York

Unnamed Violin Ridero Cover Official.jpg

Victor, a New York nightclub musician, is stalked by a masked man in a cape who wants to take from him the Unnamed Violin of the Architect, an heirloom. Everyone has gone mad about the Fractured Star cult, the center of the multivariant Universe, everyone wants to get immortality in the numerous versions of parallel realities—with the violin.

A chain of fatal events—and Victor becomes a player of the cruel Game, falls in love with the stranger, learns family secrets with the power of music.

Genre: Thriller / Fantasy / Love story / Modern prose

Size: Novel



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Стелла Фракта “Дикий и неистовый”

English Title: “Wild and Violent”

Language: Russian

You had too much freedom

Homeless teen Victor, New York, freedom

Wild and Violent Ridero Cover Official.jpg

Homeless teenager Victor from the streets of New York accidentally finds himself in the house of a rich couple and finds a family. A drama about parent-child relationships, family secrets and sick love.

An alternate story to the Fractured Star Universe tetralogy, where young Victor chooses freedom.

Warnings: oedipus complex, narcissistic mother.

Genre: Drama / Romance / Modern prose

Size: Novel

The book was published in 2022 and withdrawn from sale in 2023 from almost all stores due to libel in violation of the law, but is still available on

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Стелла Фракта “Сбор урожая”

English Title: “The Harvest”

Language: Russian

All three of you—you buried yourself alive in this stone box…Why?

Vampire, witch, devil and wanderer architect in a castle

The Harvest Ridero Cover Official.jpg

An elderly vampire, a mad witch, Devil and a gypsy cook while away the time in an old castle without the Internet. When a mysterious masked wanderer appears on the doorstep, their serene solitude comes to an end.

A story about trust and betrayal, a thirst for knowledge of the truth, fear of the future and responsibility for one’s actions.

Genre: Fiction / Romance / Modern prose

Size: Short story




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Стелла Фракта “Лунный свет”

English Title: “The Moonlight”

Language: Russian

Let me stay

Wanderer architect, cannot leave, cannot stay

Moonlight Ridero Cover Official.jpg

A young wanderer architect stays in an old castle and unwittingly becomes part of an odd game of castle inhabitants. The trouble is that despite the secrets of the old count and the arrogant female stranger, the architect cannot leave.

Prequel to the Fractured Star Universe book series.

Genre: Fiction / Thriller

Size: Short story



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Стелла Фракта “Чумная маска”

English Title: “The Plague Mask”

Language: Russian

The session is over. The curtain falls

BDSM, actor in a plague mask, fear of relationships

Plague Mask Ridero Cover Official.jpg

He is a professional actor, she is the one who knows what she needs. But what if she liked him not only as a puppet in a plague mask?

A story told through BDSM about people who are afraid to get close.

Genre: Drama / Romance / Modern prose / Erotic

Size: Short story



“Есть что сказать с Александрой Undead” Podcast [RU]

English Title: “I’ve Got Something to Say With Alexandra Undead”

Language: Russian

Alexandra has something to say. A podcast in Russian about communication with the world via creativity, voice, allowing oneself to finally be heard.

Topics: writing, alcohol culture, psychology, subjective opinion.

🎧 Yandex.Music

🎧 VK

📹 YouTube Season 1

📹 YouTube Season 2

🎧 Litres

🎧 PodcastRu

🎧 Apple Podcasts

🎧 Google Podcasts

🎧 SoundStream


Alcohol Culture Awareness | winewithsasha Wine Education Project

I develop the alcohol drinking culture, get you drunk, entertain you, educate you.

Wine Seminars, tastings, bar, parties.

✍️ Sommelier by Love, Bartender by Call. Why I Don’t Teach People How to Drink Anymore

✍️ Zen – Articles About Wine, Cocktails and Coffee

🍷 VK Around the Wine World and Alcohol Culture Awareness

📹 YouTube – Bartenders and Bars, Alcohol Culture, Podcast and More


Voiceover, audiobooks, booktrailers

Created, directed, edited, voiced, mixed and produced by Alexandra Undead.

📹 YouTube

Alexandra Undead - ALCHEMY (EP) - 2022

Mystical electronic experiment of alchemical symbolism, the story of inner transformation on the path of the Great Work, told through analytical psychology metaphors compiled into music.

🎧 SoundCloud

🎧 Telegram

“Xmas in the Closed Club” Comic [RU, EN]

A story about Alexandra, Kotik, Kusik, Lisuk and Pusheenka wanting to get into the Closed Club party for Xmas.

🖼️ English Version

🖼️ Russian Version

“На разные голоса” Podcast [RU]

English Title: “Various Voices Show”

Language: Russian

Co-founders of “Творцы” (Eng: “The Creators”) community, Nadin Karelina, the singer, Katreen Endorfin, the brand-strategist, and Alexandra Undead, the IT-specialist are talking in various voices about creativity, professions, people and morals, showing the diversity of perspectives.

🎧 Apple Podcasts

Viktor Arcane ASMR Roleplay (Voice and Accent) [EN]

Alexandra Undead a.k.a. StellaFracta is ASMR roleplaying Viktor from Arcane: League of Legends series. Listener gets POV on Viktor as he catches a spider in listener’s bedroom or shows feelings for listener in public or refuses to eat listener’s sandwich or invites listener to dance being drunk.

📹 YouTube

